Cheese Maker,
Certified Trainer,
F&B Consultant,
Event host
My Journey
Hi, I'm Namrata, a cheesemaker based out of Chennai, India.
My journey as a cheesemaker started in late 2016. Whilst I have always been passionate about food as a subject, explored local & regional cuisines, learnt about food anthropology, cooking techniques, ingredients; cheese was not the focus.
I learnt cheesemaking during a farm stay in Acres Wild, Coonoor in November 2015. I learnt to make feta and mozzarella, it was fascinating!
I soon found myself speaking to my friend & Business partner, Anuradha Krishnamoorthy and about 6 months later, we had set up a small artisan cheesemaking brand, Käse, in an urban kitchen where we work with differently abled women.

Then I started my quest to delve deeper into the art of cheesemaking and many books and travels (including a trip to Westcombe Dairy & lessons from Tom Calver) later, in December 2018 I was in Vermont, learning from David Asher at the School of New American Farmstead.
In October 2020, I completed the Artisan Cheese & Sensory Fundamental Professional Certificate from the University of Vermont.
And now since 2021, I am thrilled to be India's first Training Partner to the Academy of Cheese, UK.